感谢您选用本公司双模式低压直流全自动无刷电动起子,本产品机件精良,功能强大, 精度高,坚固耐用, 两种模式自由切换,非常方便实用,让您的工作更加轻松愉悦。为了能使本机发挥效能,持久耐用,操作前,请详阅本操作使用说明,同时请妥为保存,以备日后查阅。
● 采用进口无刷马达,性能强大,稳定性高,使用寿命超长。
● adopt the import brushless motor, the performance is strong, the stability is high, the service life exceeds long.
● 内部停止装置采用磁性感应系统,灵敏度高,瞬间制动,低冲击力,长期使用不易损坏。
● the internal stop device adopts magnetic induction system, with high sensitivity, instantaneous braking, low impact force, and long-term use not easily damaged.
● 齿轮组件为优质合金钢直接冲压而成,使用更持久,更稳定。
● the gear assembly is made of high quality alloy steel, which is more durable and stable.
● 低振动,低噪音,低电磁干扰,符合环保要求,特别适用于无尘工作环境使用。
● low vibration, low noise, low electromagnetic interference, comply with environmental requirements, especially applicable to dustfree working environment.
● 外型按照人体工学握持设计,体积小,重量轻,耐冲击,使用舒适,长时间使用不易疲劳,提高生产效率。
● the outer type is designed according to ergonomic grip, small volume, light weight, impact resistance, comfortable use, long time use not easy to fatigue, improve production efficiency.
● 转速0~1000rpm可随心调节,满足您的不同需要。
● the speed of 0-650rpm can be adjusted to suit your different needs.
中国 深圳